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About State Cancer Profiles

State Cancer Profiles is an interactive map engine produced in collaboration between the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was developed with the goal to provide a geographic profile of cancer burden in the United States and reveal geographic patterns of cancer incidence, mortality, risk factors for cancer, and cancer screening, across different population subgroups.

The target audiences are health planners, policy makers, and cancer information providers who need quick and easy access to descriptive cancer statistics in order to prioritize investments in cancer control. Epidemiologists may find this site useful for exploring cancer statistics to identify research opportunities. The Links section provides alternative resources for cancer and health statistics. In particular, Finding Cancer StatisticsExternal Web Site Policy provides an introduction to cancer statistics and a guide to resources.

The Profiles Web site brings together data that are collected from public health surveillance systems by using either their published reports or public use files. The data may appear dated but it is the most recent that has completed the national data synthesis and quality assurance processes. Many states provide Web sites with just their state's data. This data may be more recent or in more detail than can be provided nationally.

For more information on the site history and releases, see the Site History/Release Schedule page.