Interpretation of Demographics Data
Demographic Data Report by State
Population: Foreign born
All Ages, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Name
United States
- Value (Percent) : The value is 13.7 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 45,281,071.
- Rank within US : N/A
- Value (Percent) : The value is 3.5 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 177,207.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 47 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 7.9 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 58,074.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 25 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 13.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 935,960.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 15 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 151,781.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 37 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 26.5 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 10,442,880.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 1 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 9.5 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 547,602.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 20 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 15.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 542,964.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 10 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 9.8 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 97,223.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 18 of 51
District of Columbia
- Value (Percent) : The value is 13.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 90,096.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 14 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 21.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 4,574,432.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 4 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 10.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 1,119,366.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 17 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 18.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 261,370.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 6 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.7 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 106,411.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 32 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 14.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 1,804,681.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 13 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 377,934.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 34 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 178,537.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 33 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 7.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 207,290.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 28 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 184,109.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 44 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.2 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 196,671.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 42 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 3.8 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 51,907.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 46 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 15.7 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 965,638.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 9 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 17.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 1,227,846.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 7 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 6.9 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 694,860.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 29 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 8.5 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 481,922.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 22 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 2.3 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 68,257.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 49 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.2 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 258,202.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 43 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 2.3 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 24,713.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 50 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 7.5 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 146,935.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 26 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 19.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 592,273.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 5 of 51
New Hampshire
- Value (Percent) : The value is 6.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 83,368.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 31 of 51
New Jersey
- Value (Percent) : The value is 23.2 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 2,145,255.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 2 of 51
New Mexico
- Value (Percent) : The value is 9.2 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 194,320.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 21 of 51
New York
- Value (Percent) : The value is 22.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 4,508,936.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 3 of 51
North Carolina
- Value (Percent) : The value is 8.3 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 867,946.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 24 of 51
North Dakota
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 36,023.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 40 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.9 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 572,364.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 39 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 6.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 244,032.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 30 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 9.8 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 412,962.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 19 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 7.3 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 941,805.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 27 of 51
Rhode Island
- Value (Percent) : The value is 14.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 157,761.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 12 of 51
South Carolina
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.3 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 270,170.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 36 of 51
South Dakota
- Value (Percent) : The value is 3.8 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 34,093.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 45 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 375,702.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 35 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 17.1 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 4,987,855.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 8 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 8.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 276,011.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 23 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 4.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 28,231.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 41 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 12.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 1,089,605.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 16 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 14.9 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 1,143,428.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 11 of 51
West Virginia
- Value (Percent) : The value is 1.6 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 28,940.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 51 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 5.0 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 295,367.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 38 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is 3.4 percent.
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is 19,756.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 48 of 51
- Value (Percent) : The value is data not available
- People (Foreign Born) : The number of people (foreign born) is data not available.
- Rank within US : N/A
Created by on 02/16/2025 9:53 am.
Data not available for this combination of geography, cancer site, age, and race/ethnicity.
Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Foreign born, see the dictionary.
Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.