Interpretation of Demographics Data
Demographic Data Report for Alaska by Borough or Census Area
Education: At least high school
Ages 25+, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Rank
United States
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : N/A
- Value (Percent) : The value is 89.1 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 202,001,294.
- Rank within US : N/A
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : N/A
- Value (Percent) : The value is 93.5 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 454,182.
- Rank within US : This state is ranked 45 of 52
Aleutians East Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 81.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 2,167.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 324 of 3143
Kusilvak Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 81.4 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 3,299.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 363 of 3143
Bethel Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 82.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 8,364.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 506 of 3143
Northwest Arctic Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 86.1 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 3,640.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 917 of 3143
Petersburg Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 87.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 2,206.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1066 of 3143
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 87.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 3,003.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1078 of 3143
Wrangell Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 87.1 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 1,358.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1094 of 3143
Dillingham Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 88.1 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 2,557.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1265 of 3143
Nome Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 88.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 4,909.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1294 of 3143
Aleutians West Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 89.5 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 3,457.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1567 of 3143
North Slope Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 90.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 6,892.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1867 of 3143
Lake and Peninsula Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 90.8 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 591.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1892 of 3143
Kodiak Island Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 91.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 7,877.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 1999 of 3143
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 92.5 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 3,838.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2331 of 3143
Skagway Municipality
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 92.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 899.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2394 of 3143
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 93.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 4,250.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2689 of 3143
Yakutat City and Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 373.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2741 of 3143
Valdez-Cordova Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 6,315.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2743 of 3143
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 1,728.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2755 of 3143
Anchorage Municipality
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Urban
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 181,252.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2793 of 3143
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Urban
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 67,246.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2806 of 3143
Kenai Peninsula Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 39,241.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2808 of 3143
Fairbanks North Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Urban
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 58,079.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2885 of 3143
Ketchikan Gateway Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 94.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 9,350.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2898 of 3143
Bristol Bay Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 95.0 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 604.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2932 of 3143
Sitka City and Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 95.2 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 5,781.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2962 of 3143
Juneau City and Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 95.4 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 21,901.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 2996 of 3143
Denali Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 96.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 1,618.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 3101 of 3143
Haines Borough
- 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ : Rural
- Value (Percent) : The value is 97.7 percent.
- People (Education: At Least High School) : The number of people (education: at least high school) is 1,387.
- Rank within US : This borough or census area is ranked 3128 of 3143
Created by on 02/09/2025 5:05 pm.
Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.
Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Education: At least high school, see the dictionary.
Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.