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Demographics Table

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Demographic Data Report for Connecticut by County
Education: Less than High School
Population Ages 25+
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Count
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People(Education: Less Than High School)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
 sort by rank descending
Connecticut N/A 8.7 220,076 25 of 52
United States N/A 10.9 24,599,698 N/A
Tolland County Urban 5.3 5,313 253
Middlesex County Urban 4.8 5,866 188
Windham County Urban 9.9 8,059 1,443
Litchfield County Rural 6.1 8,348 423
New London County Urban 6.9 13,213 621
New Haven County Urban 9.6 57,644 1,346
Hartford County Urban 9.4 58,711 1,293
Fairfield County Urban 9.5 62,922 1,334
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:01 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Education: Less than High School, see the dictionary.

Note: This website still uses Connecticut counties instead of planning regions for consistency of geographies across data topics. If/when all data sources have new planning regions, then this website will switch to using them. 2013 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes will be used for Connecticut counties.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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