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Demographic Data Report for Idaho by County
Mobility: Haven't moved (in past year)
Ages 1+, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Haven't Moved)
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Rank within US
(of 3142 counties)
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United States N/A 86.9 284,649,999 N/A
Idaho N/A 83.8 1,536,736 47 of 51
Butte County Urban 96.0 2,485 35
Camas County Rural 92.8 1,050 300
Caribou County Rural 92.4 6,426 356
Gooding County Rural 91.6 14,059 529
Lincoln County Rural 91.6 4,710 536
Benewah County Rural 91.0 8,757 675
Blaine County Rural 90.1 21,723 990
Oneida County Rural 90.0 4,054 998
Custer County Rural 89.7 3,872 1,161
Idaho County Rural 89.6 14,917 1,206
Clearwater County Rural 88.8 7,776 1,507
Jerome County Urban 88.8 21,356 1,510
Bear Lake County Rural 88.7 5,654 1,548
Boise County Urban 88.6 6,862 1,587
Lemhi County Rural 88.3 7,044 1,702
Lewis County Rural 88.3 3,176 1,711
Boundary County Rural 88.1 10,749 1,763
Franklin County Urban 88.0 12,492 1,809
Bonner County Rural 87.5 41,708 1,974
Fremont County Rural 87.5 11,699 1,997
Minidoka County Rural 87.1 18,468 2,123
Washington County Rural 87.0 9,186 2,137
Bingham County Rural 86.7 41,342 2,227
Power County Rural 86.4 6,793 2,303
Gem County Urban 86.4 16,507 2,305
Owyhee County Urban 86.3 10,262 2,335
Shoshone County Rural 86.0 11,380 2,391
Cassia County Rural 85.9 21,039 2,412
Jefferson County Urban 85.8 26,633 2,458
Payette County Rural 85.7 21,751 2,465
Kootenai County Urban 85.4 146,548 2,513
Teton County Rural 85.4 9,957 2,525
Nez Perce County Urban 85.0 35,560 2,590
Canyon County Urban 84.5 196,374 2,677
Adams County Rural 84.5 3,721 2,679
Clark County Rural 84.0 631 2,737
Ada County Urban 83.4 411,045 2,812
Bonneville County Urban 83.2 101,844 2,840
Twin Falls County Urban 82.6 73,675 2,903
Bannock County Urban 82.3 70,978 2,922
Elmore County Rural 80.9 23,017 2,991
Valley County Rural 78.8 9,291 3,057
Latah County Rural 74.9 29,542 3,113
Madison County Rural 59.4 30,623 3,142
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:01 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Mobility: Haven't moved (in past year), see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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