Quick Profiles Report
Provides a quick look for assessing the burden and risk for a major cancer site for the US overall or for a selected state. The Quick Profile is constructed using a table for each data topic across the cancer control continuum (demographics, screening and risk factors, cancer knowledge, incidence, prevalence, mortality). Each of these tables has a state rate and U.S. Rate where available. Graphs and Maps are linked from these statistics.
Cancer statistics require careful interpretation. See the information page about interpret rankings for insight into interpreting cancer statistics particularly if you are a new user of cancer statistics.
The table, graph and map links provide access to the interactive sections of the web site where custom data selections (e.g., sex or race) and interactive features (e.g., sorting) are available.
Data Sources:
- Mortality data are provided by the National Vital Statistics System
at the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Incidence data are provided by the National Program of Cancer Registries
Cancer Surveillance System (NPCR-CSS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and by the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program
- Population counts for denominators are based on Census populations as modified by NCI.
- Rates are calculated using SEER*Stat
- Trends are determined by using Joinpoint
analysis of available historical data and reporting the last segment as the most recent trend.
- Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates.
- Screening and Risk Factor data provided by:
- BRFSS Survey Data collected by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation (https://no-smoke.org
- Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS).
- Small Area Estimates are based on a statistical model which combines information from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the National Health Interview Survey to correct for nonresponse and undercoverage bias and are enhanced in small areas by borrowing information from similar areas across the nation. For more information, visit https://sae.cancer.gov/