Rate/Trend Comparison by Cancer
This graphic shows the Rate/Trend Comparison Report for the United States by cancer with death data through 2011. There are various text boxes displayed around the graphic that describe different aspects of the report:
- Selection Box - this box allows you to select the data options you would like to see in the table from these dropdown lists.
- Generate Graph (button) - creates a table based on the data selected above.
- About this Graph (link) - displays the text description for this table type.
- Quick Reference Guide (link) - displays this printable guide.
- Tutorial (link) - displays a list of tutorials and demos available for this table.
- Data Use Restrictions (link) - links to an explanation of the restrictions for using this table.
- Make Table (link) - creates a table of the data behind this table.
- Export Data (link) - creates a file in a format ready to export to other applications.
- Interpret (link) - displays a text description of this table.