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Interpretation of Historical Trends Data

Historical Trends (2002-2021)

Incidence, Minnesota, All Cancer Sites, Hispanic (any race), All Ages, Both Sexes

Incidence, Minnesota, All Cancer Sites, Hispanic (any race), All Ages, Both Sexes

Line graph with 20 years and 1 segments
During 2002-2021, the APC1 in the rate of cancer was stable: -0.8 with a 95% confidence interval from -1.7 to 0.3.
Yearly points:
In 2002, the observed rate was 447.1. The estimated rate was 472.3.
In 2003, the observed rate was 419.3. The estimated rate was 468.4.
In 2004, the observed rate was 424.4. The estimated rate was 464.6.
In 2005, the observed rate was 464.8. The estimated rate was 460.8.
In 2006, the observed rate was 463.1. The estimated rate was 457.1.
In 2007, the observed rate was 490.4. The estimated rate was 453.4.
In 2008, the observed rate was 509.4. The estimated rate was 449.7.
In 2009, the observed rate was 399.8. The estimated rate was 446.0.
In 2010, the observed rate was 388.6. The estimated rate was 442.4.
In 2011, the observed rate was 475.4. The estimated rate was 438.8.
In 2012, the observed rate was 437.9. The estimated rate was 435.3.
In 2013, the observed rate was 451.9. The estimated rate was 431.7.
In 2014, the observed rate was 400.3. The estimated rate was 428.2.
In 2015, the observed rate was 495.9. The estimated rate was 424.7.
In 2016, the observed rate was 436.5. The estimated rate was 421.3.
In 2017, the observed rate was 411.4. The estimated rate was 417.9.
In 2018, the observed rate was 407.7. The estimated rate was 414.5.
In 2019, the observed rate was 409.5. The estimated rate was 411.1.
In 2020, the observed rate was 386.4. The estimated rate was N/A.
In 2021, the observed rate was 374.4. The estimated rate was 404.5.
