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Links to non-Federal organizations found at this site are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The Federal Government is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.

Cancer Profiles

  • United States Cancer Statistics:External Web Site Policy - The Official Federal Cancer Statistics
    The United States Cancer Statistics are combined cancer registry data from CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)External Web Site Policy and the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) ProgramExternal Web Site Policy and mortality data from CDC's National Center for Health StatisticsExternal Web Site Policy. Together, these data provide the latest cancer information on the entire U.S. population.
    1. United States Cancer Statistics: Data VisualizationsExternal Web Site Policy The U. S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool provides information on the numbers and rates of new cancer cases and deaths at the national, state, and county levels. You can see the numbers by sex, age, race and ethnicity, trends over time, survival, and prevalence. Text explains what is shown on each chart and graph.
    2. United States Cancer Statistics: Public Use DatabaseExternal Web Site Policy As a researcher, you can analyze population-based incidence data on the entire United States population with this pubic use database, which is available through SEER*Stat software.
  • Cancer Trends Progress ReportExternal Web Site Policy
    The National Cancer Institute describes progress in reducing the U.S. cancer burden through cancer research and its dissemination.
  • Annual Report to the NationExternal Web Site Policy
    Annual update on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States.
  • CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries State/Territory Cancer DataExternal Web Site Policy
    The following data is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) for their state and territory data:
    1. The State Cancer Burden Data fact sheets contain data on lung cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. They include the estimated number of new cancer cases and cancer deaths, and the age-adjusted mortality rates for cancer deaths by race for each state.
    2. The National Program of Cancer Registries State/Territory Profiles provide background on the program, as well as state-specific cancer burden data, cancer registry highlights, and contact information.
  • Cancer Facts and Figures (American Cancer Society)External Web Site Policy
    Cancer Facts & Figures conveys the American Cancer Society's annual estimates of expected numbers of new cancer cases and deaths. Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts & Figures presents data for the nation and states on tobacco use, nutrition, physical activity and screening examinations.
  • Cancer-Rates.infoExternal Web Site Policy
    This Web site provides detailed cancer incidence and mortality data for the states that are participating. These data include interactive maps, trend charts, graphs and tables selectable by site, year(s), gender and race categories. The Web site is hosted by the Kentucky Cancer RegistryExternal Web Site Policy at the University of KentuckyExternal Web Site Policy.
  • MMWR Cancer Survivorship ReportExternal Web Site Policy
    This MMWR Surveillance Summary examines demographics, health behaviors, and preventive health care practices among cancer survivors in the U.S. in 2009. Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, this report presents the first population-based survey with state-level assessment of health behaviors and demographic characteristics among cancer survivors aged > 18 years.
  • CI*RankExternal Web Site Policy
    CI*Rank presents ranked, age-adjusted cancer incidence and mortality rates by state, county, and special region in the US. The site also presents confidence intervals for those ranks. Ranked, age-adjusted US mortality rates for other causes of death are also provided, along with the confidence intervals.

Health Profiles

  • Health Drivers Calculator (HD*Calc)External Web Site Policy
    The Health Drivers Calculator (HD*Calc) is statistical software designed to generate multiple summary measures to evaluate and monitor health drivers (HD). HD*Calc was created as an extension of SEER*Stat that allows the user to import SEER data or other population-based health data and calculate any of eleven measurements.
  • The Dartmouth Atlas of Health CareExternal Web Site Policy
    The Dartmouth Atlas project brings together researchers in diverse disciplines - including epidemiology, economics, and statistics - and focuses on the accurate description of how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States.
  • State Health Facts Online (Kaiser Family Foundation)External Web Site Policy
    The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) compiles the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation.
  • Trust for America's HealthExternal Web Site Policy
    Trust for America's Health is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to protect the health and safety of all communities from current and emerging health threats by strengthening the fundamentals of our public health defenses. They provide State Tracking Factsheets as well as some county data.
  • National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network - Cancer SectionExternal Web Site Policy
    The CDC's National Environmental Public Health Tracking site provides data on cancer and other illnesses. This data is integrated with environmental data, looking for (1) environmental hazards, (2) exposure to environmental hazards, and (3) health effects potentially related to exposure to environmental hazards.

Cancer Data Providers for the Nation

  • Finding Cancer StatisticsExternal Web Site Policy
    Portal into the cancer statistics reports and research tools provided by the National Cancer Institute. These include statistics on incidence, mortality, prevalence, survival, lifetime risk of developing cancer, and cancer statistics by race/ethnicity.
  • State Registry ContactsExternal Web Site Policy
    States and Territories may provide reports and Web sites providing local statistics that may be more current or more detail than can be provided by a Federal agency.
  • Surveillance Research Program (NCI)External Web Site Policy
    The Surveillance Research Program (SRP) directs the collection and analysis of pertinent data in order to answer key questions about cancer incidence, morbidity, mortality, and cancer-related health status in diverse regions and populations in the United States. As part of the SRP mission, the Cancer Statistics Branch manages the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, an integrated, comprehensive, multiple population-based reporting system. SRP also provides leadership, through its Statistical Research and Applications Branch, in developing statistical methodologies appropriate for analyzing trends and for evaluating the impact of cancer control interventions as well as geographic, social, behavioral, genetic and health care delivery factors on the cancer burden.
  • National Program of Cancer Registries (CDC)External Web Site Policy
    Congress established the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) in 1992. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been authorized by Congressional Law to provide funds to states and territories: to improve existing cancer registries; to plan and implement registries where they do not exist; to develop model legislation and regulations for states to enhance the viability of registry operations; to set standards for data completeness, timeliness, and quality; to provide training for registry personnel; and to help establish a computerized reporting and data-processing system.
  • American Cancer SocietyExternal Web Site Policy
    The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has state divisions and more than 3,400 local offices.
  • SEER - Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (NCI)External Web Site Policy
    SEER Program of the National Cancer Institute is an authoritative source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States. Information on more than 3 million cancer cases is included in the SEER database, and approximately 170,000 new cases are accessioned each year within the SEER catchment areas. SEER data, publications, and resources are available free of charge.
  • Cancer Prevention and Control (CDC)External Web Site Policy
    The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) is part of CDC's National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. DCPC conducts, supports, and promotes efforts to prevent cancer and to increase early detection of cancer. DCPC works with partners in the government, private, and nonprofit sectors to develop, implement, and promote effective cancer prevention and control practices nationwide.
  • North American Association of Central Cancer RegistriesExternal Web Site Policy
    North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) is a collaborative umbrella organization for cancer registries, governmental agencies, professional associations, and private groups in North America interested in enhancing the quality and use of cancer registry data. Most central cancer registries in the United States and Canada are members. The formal mission of NAACCR is: to support and coordinate the development, enhancement and application of cancer registration techniques in population-based groups, so that quality data may be used for cancer control and epidemiologic research, public health programs, and patient care to reduce the burden of cancer in North America.
  • National Cancer Data Base (NCDB)External Web Site Policy
    The National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) is a nationwide oncology outcomes database for over 1,500 hospitals in 50 states. The NCDB was founded as a joint project of the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACOS) and the American Cancer Society (ACS).

Health Data Providers for the Nation

  • National Center for Health StatisticsExternal Web Site Policy
    The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) gathers data on vital events as well as information on health status, lifestyle and exposure to unhealthy influences, the onset and diagnosis of illness and disability, and the use of health care.
  • CDC WonderExternal Web Site Policy
    CDC WONDER (from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is an easy-to-use system that provides a single point of access to a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and numeric public health data. CDC WONDER furthers CDC's mission of health promotion and disease prevention by speeding and simplifying access to public health information for state and local health departments, the Public Health Service, the academic public health community, and the public at large.
  • PLACESExternal Web Site Policy
    PLACES, a collaboration between CDC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the CDC Foundation, allows local health departments and jurisdictions regardless of population size and urban-rural status to better understand the burden and geographic distribution of health-related outcomes in their areas and assist them in planning public health interventions. PLACES provides model-based population-level analysis and community estimates to all counties, places (incorporated and census designated places), census tracts, and ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) across the United States. PLACES is an extension of the original 500 Cities ProjectExternal Web Site Policy that provided city and census tract estimates for chronic disease risk factors, health outcomes, and clinical preventive services use for the 500 largest US cities.
  • Healthy People 2030External Web Site Policy
    Healthy People 2030 is the prevention agenda for the Nation. It is a statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats. This is a collaborative effort by an advisory group formed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to help guide Healthy People; Federal Agencies including HHS and other Federal agencies that serve as coordinators for specific focus areas of Healthy People 2030; and the Healthy People Consortium which consists of more than 400 national membership organizations, all State and Territorial health departments, and key national associations of State health officials working to advance health.
  • CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance SystemExternal Web Site Policy
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides state statistical and graphical summaries of prevalence and trends in prevention and screening behaviors.

Cancer Control

  • National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP)External Web Site Policy
    The purpose of comprehensive cancer control of the CDC is to develop an integrated and coordinated approach to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation.

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