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Demographic Data Report for Illinois by County
Education: Less than 9th grade
Population Ages 25+
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Count
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Education: Less Than 9th Grade)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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Illinois N/A 4.5 393,775 41 of 52
United States N/A 4.7 10,742,781 N/A
Putnam County Rural 1.0 41 96
Calhoun County Urban 1.7 55 374
Henderson County Rural 1.2 56 149
Scott County Rural 2.0 68 565
Schuyler County Rural 1.4 73 213
Menard County Urban 0.9 82 87
Edwards County Rural 2.2 95 739
Jasper County Rural 1.5 100 297
Pulaski County Rural 3.1 111 1,332
Stark County Urban 3.1 121 1,379
Gallatin County Rural 3.4 125 1,522
Pope County Rural 5.3 153 2,330
Piatt County Urban 1.3 154 180
Wabash County Rural 1.9 156 548
Monroe County Urban 0.7 161 46
Hardin County Rural 5.7 169 2,440
Marshall County Urban 2.0 169 579
Brown County Rural 3.7 170 1,695
Hancock County Rural 1.3 170 196
De Witt County Rural 1.6 172 304
Cumberland County Rural 2.3 174 870
Alexander County Urban 4.8 179 2,159
Greene County Rural 2.4 206 928
Ford County Urban 2.2 210 792
Pike County Rural 2.2 224 715
Mercer County Urban 2.0 230 635
Richland County Rural 2.2 240 746
Clark County Rural 2.3 243 806
Shelby County Rural 1.7 251 364
Bond County Urban 2.3 266 841
Mason County Rural 3.1 294 1,357
Washington County Rural 3.0 298 1,298
McDonough County Rural 1.8 301 450
Jersey County Urban 2.2 327 723
Hamilton County Rural 5.9 339 2,515
Woodford County Urban 1.3 345 194
Logan County Rural 1.9 373 506
Lawrence County Rural 3.6 402 1,665
Crawford County Rural 3.0 409 1,302
Fulton County Rural 1.7 410 371
Johnson County Rural 4.3 410 1,975
Clay County Rural 4.5 412 2,033
White County Rural 4.1 414 1,905
Edgar County Rural 3.4 421 1,521
Carroll County Rural 3.8 435 1,758
Jo Daviess County Rural 2.7 453 1,130
Massac County Urban 4.9 495 2,204
Christian County Rural 2.1 507 674
Warren County Rural 4.8 520 2,156
Montgomery County Rural 2.6 525 1,011
Wayne County Rural 4.6 526 2,116
Perry County Rural 3.6 540 1,613
Cass County Rural 6.6 577 2,646
Morgan County Rural 2.5 581 992
Lee County Rural 2.3 586 858
Franklin County Rural 2.2 591 767
Effingham County Rural 2.5 594 993
Union County Rural 4.9 603 2,196
Fayette County Rural 4.1 626 1,894
Coles County Rural 2.1 643 677
Iroquois County Rural 3.5 668 1,577
Macoupin County Urban 2.1 671 669
Jefferson County Rural 2.6 679 1,062
Marion County Rural 2.7 703 1,110
Adams County Rural 1.5 706 299
Bureau County Rural 3.0 712 1,299
Grundy County Urban 2.0 718 636
Livingston County Rural 2.9 736 1,238
Stephenson County Rural 2.5 780 966
Henry County Urban 2.3 787 805
Clinton County Urban 3.0 797 1,312
Saline County Rural 4.7 808 2,138
Randolph County Rural 3.8 832 1,750
Moultrie County Rural 8.8 856 2,907
Jackson County Rural 3.0 952 1,271
Williamson County Rural 2.1 1,031 706
Knox County Rural 3.2 1,128 1,431
Ogle County Rural 3.3 1,175 1,451
Vermilion County Rural 2.5 1,273 998
Whiteside County Rural 3.3 1,290 1,476
McLean County Urban 1.3 1,363 176
Douglas County Rural 10.3 1,367 2,998
Macon County Urban 2.0 1,397 560
Tazewell County Urban 1.9 1,784 541
DeKalb County Urban 3.1 1,865 1,361
La Salle County Rural 2.5 1,935 986
Champaign County Urban 1.7 1,993 360
Kendall County Urban 2.4 2,005 880
Sangamon County Urban 1.6 2,242 351
Boone County Urban 7.0 2,454 2,718
Kankakee County Urban 3.7 2,657 1,698
Peoria County Urban 2.2 2,709 773
Madison County Urban 1.8 3,273 424
Rock Island County Urban 3.8 3,755 1,755
St. Clair County Urban 2.4 4,173 894
McHenry County Urban 2.5 5,248 960
Winnebago County Urban 3.6 6,945 1,633
Will County Urban 3.9 18,318 1,830
DuPage County Urban 3.4 21,564 1,497
Lake County Urban 4.8 22,672 2,174
Kane County Urban 7.3 24,813 2,767
Cook County Urban 6.1 223,360 2,560
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:21 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Education: Less than 9th grade, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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