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Demographic Data Report for Arkansas by County
Population: Age 40-64
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Age 40-64)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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United States N/A 31.6 104,466,773 N/A
Arkansas N/A 30.8 929,811 18 of 52
Lincoln County Rural 36.3 4,731 3,031
Lafayette County Rural 35.7 2,242 2,968
Perry County Urban 35.1 3,528 2,865
Searcy County Rural 34.5 2,717 2,725
Montgomery County Rural 34.5 2,948 2,718
Prairie County Rural 34.4 2,828 2,699
Van Buren County Rural 34.4 5,469 2,690
Conway County Rural 34.4 7,141 2,676
Pike County Rural 34.3 3,505 2,671
Logan County Rural 34.3 7,285 2,646
Hot Spring County Rural 34.1 11,292 2,568
Izard County Rural 34.1 4,683 2,558
Lee County Rural 34.0 2,948 2,542
Woodruff County Rural 33.6 2,102 2,344
Marion County Rural 33.5 5,658 2,297
Miller County Urban 33.4 14,236 2,241
Cleveland County Rural 33.3 2,517 2,237
Nevada County Rural 33.3 2,760 2,205
Union County Rural 33.2 12,885 2,158
Ashley County Rural 33.1 6,303 2,128
Cross County Rural 32.9 5,539 1,988
Ouachita County Rural 32.9 7,434 1,967
Madison County Urban 32.8 5,485 1,898
Polk County Rural 32.7 6,337 1,851
Franklin County Rural 32.7 5,607 1,832
Jackson County Rural 32.6 5,468 1,796
Yell County Rural 32.5 6,608 1,759
Arkansas County Rural 32.4 5,524 1,738
Monroe County Rural 32.2 2,188 1,627
Saline County Urban 32.2 39,919 1,602
Hempstead County Rural 32.2 6,451 1,601
Carroll County Rural 32.2 9,121 1,579
Scott County Rural 32.1 3,173 1,571
Little River County Urban 32.1 3,860 1,549
Grant County Urban 32.1 5,777 1,529
Johnson County Rural 32.0 8,308 1,525
Bradley County Rural 32.0 3,352 1,523
Newton County Rural 32.0 2,316 1,498
Garland County Urban 31.9 31,936 1,472
Fulton County Rural 31.9 3,887 1,461
Mississippi County Rural 31.8 12,852 1,429
Crawford County Urban 31.8 19,268 1,408
Cleburne County Rural 31.7 7,900 1,328
Poinsett County Urban 31.7 7,282 1,326
Desha County Rural 31.7 3,573 1,324
Lonoke County Urban 31.5 23,428 1,261
Jefferson County Rural 31.5 21,069 1,231
Sharp County Rural 31.4 5,477 1,210
White County Rural 31.4 24,218 1,201
Howard County Rural 31.4 4,013 1,200
Stone County Rural 31.3 3,879 1,156
Clay County Rural 31.3 4,543 1,133
Chicot County Rural 31.2 3,195 1,113
Greene County Rural 31.2 14,341 1,109
Calhoun County Rural 31.1 1,486 1,068
Baxter County Rural 31.1 12,997 1,054
Boone County Rural 31.0 11,693 1,033
Independence County Rural 30.9 11,708 958
Sebastian County Urban 30.9 39,562 949
Lawrence County Rural 30.9 5,016 944
St. Francis County Rural 30.6 7,073 844
Pulaski County Urban 30.4 121,225 794
Crittenden County Urban 30.2 14,458 712
Phillips County Rural 29.9 4,898 647
Dallas County Rural 29.8 1,931 623
Benton County Urban 29.8 85,428 620
Sevier County Rural 29.8 4,742 617
Pope County Rural 29.8 18,906 614
Drew County Rural 29.6 5,124 564
Randolph County Rural 29.2 5,434 477
Craighead County Urban 28.8 31,965 394
Faulkner County Urban 27.9 34,820 281
Washington County Urban 27.7 68,606 254
Columbia County Rural 26.7 6,071 160
Clark County Rural 25.9 5,562 104
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Age 40-64, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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