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Demographic Data Report for Colorado by County
Population: Age 40 and over
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Rank
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Age 40 And Over)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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United States N/A 48.1 159,204,421 N/A
Colorado N/A 46.1 2,658,398 44 of 52
Dolores County Rural 71.6 1,668 7
Hinsdale County Rural 70.0 638 15
Mineral County Rural 69.8 554 16
Ouray County Rural 69.2 3,415 18
Custer County Rural 68.3 3,337 24
Clear Creek County Urban 64.2 6,041 76
Huerfano County Rural 63.9 4,405 86
Gilpin County Urban 63.8 3,738 89
Park County Urban 63.6 11,183 97
Teller County Urban 62.1 15,373 145
Archuleta County Rural 61.5 8,313 166
Jackson County Rural 61.0 878 195
San Juan County Rural 60.6 418 211
Chaffee County Rural 60.4 11,818 221
Saguache County Rural 60.4 3,897 224
Costilla County Rural 59.5 2,102 293
Delta County Rural 58.7 18,283 353
Elbert County Urban 56.9 15,057 526
Cheyenne County Rural 56.7 979 545
Montrose County Rural 56.6 24,251 564
Las Animas County Rural 55.9 8,066 647
Pitkin County Rural 55.7 9,655 674
Fremont County Rural 55.7 27,331 684
Kiowa County Rural 55.1 742 785
Grand County Rural 55.0 8,643 809
Montezuma County Rural 54.5 14,219 896
Sedgwick County Rural 54.5 1,302 908
Baca County Rural 54.2 1,894 972
San Miguel County Rural 53.3 4,309 1,151
Routt County Rural 53.2 13,258 1,197
La Plata County Rural 52.8 29,555 1,266
Rio Grande County Rural 51.9 5,942 1,504
Bent County Rural 51.5 2,866 1,598
Lincoln County Rural 51.3 2,862 1,684
Phillips County Rural 51.2 2,299 1,716
Otero County Rural 51.2 9,506 1,718
Mesa County Urban 51.0 79,634 1,746
Crowley County Rural 50.6 2,923 1,855
Jefferson County Urban 50.3 292,041 1,920
Washington County Rural 50.2 2,417 1,946
Yuma County Rural 49.7 4,941 2,041
Pueblo County Urban 49.7 83,569 2,046
Kit Carson County Rural 49.1 3,456 2,189
Conejos County Rural 49.1 3,705 2,198
Douglas County Urban 49.0 176,498 2,208
Summit County Rural 48.5 15,016 2,288
Broomfield County Urban 47.9 35,439 2,383
Prowers County Rural 47.9 5,727 2,396
Logan County Rural 47.6 10,135 2,432
Rio Blanco County Rural 47.4 3,085 2,468
Eagle County Rural 47.3 26,302 2,482
Moffat County Rural 46.5 6,148 2,568
Morgan County Rural 46.4 13,469 2,586
Boulder County Urban 46.3 152,311 2,590
Garfield County Rural 45.8 28,253 2,648
Arapahoe County Urban 45.7 299,158 2,665
Larimer County Urban 45.4 163,243 2,690
Gunnison County Rural 45.3 7,715 2,702
Lake County Rural 44.4 3,284 2,789
Weld County Urban 42.7 141,537 2,892
El Paso County Urban 42.5 310,700 2,896
Adams County Urban 41.1 213,799 2,975
Denver County Urban 40.6 288,857 2,993
Alamosa County Rural 37.9 6,239 3,073
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Age 40 and over, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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