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Demographic Data Report for Colorado by County
Poverty: Families below poverty
All Ages, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Value
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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Families (Below Poverty)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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United States N/A 8.8 7,151,167 N/A
Colorado N/A 6.0 84,990 5 of 52
Bent County Rural 24.2 257 3,086
Costilla County Rural 20.2 198 2,993
Crowley County Rural 18.5 139 2,917
Otero County Rural 17.0 804 2,836
Huerfano County Rural 16.7 294 2,802
Jackson County Rural 15.9 63 2,733
Baca County Rural 15.3 139 2,680
San Juan County Rural 15.1 31 2,666
Saguache County Rural 14.8 286 2,629
Moffat County Rural 13.9 479 2,532
Kiowa County Rural 13.9 47 2,526
Conejos County Rural 12.9 230 2,397
Sedgwick County Rural 12.6 74 2,346
Pueblo County Urban 12.6 5,239 2,339
Phillips County Rural 12.5 147 2,312
Las Animas County Rural 11.8 450 2,198
Prowers County Rural 11.6 348 2,155
Alamosa County Rural 11.5 465 2,135
Delta County Rural 11.0 836 2,019
Yuma County Rural 10.7 302 1,961
Fremont County Rural 9.8 1,090 1,744
Rio Blanco County Rural 9.8 164 1,729
Chaffee County Rural 9.4 500 1,641
Cheyenne County Rural 9.3 44 1,628
Morgan County Rural 9.3 696 1,624
Dolores County Rural 8.8 71 1,483
Washington County Rural 8.6 115 1,418
Denver County Urban 8.2 12,354 1,309
Logan County Rural 8.2 395 1,299
Montrose County Rural 7.8 922 1,179
Montezuma County Rural 7.8 550 1,178
Mesa County Urban 7.3 2,910 1,023
Kit Carson County Rural 7.0 135 926
Adams County Urban 7.0 8,768 925
La Plata County Rural 6.9 961 892
Weld County Urban 6.6 5,557 803
Garfield County Rural 6.0 929 650
El Paso County Urban 5.9 11,037 616
Lake County Rural 5.7 81 563
Arapahoe County Urban 5.4 8,710 486
Lincoln County Rural 5.4 60 481
Gilpin County Urban 5.2 83 454
Rio Grande County Rural 5.0 156 397
Larimer County Urban 4.9 4,451 380
Archuleta County Rural 4.7 191 336
Gunnison County Rural 4.6 198 311
Custer County Rural 4.4 64 273
Boulder County Urban 4.4 3,285 266
Eagle County Rural 4.3 555 257
Routt County Rural 4.1 274 214
Jefferson County Urban 3.7 5,544 162
San Miguel County Rural 3.6 70 138
Pitkin County Rural 3.2 131 96
Park County Urban 2.8 152 64
Teller County Urban 2.6 183 49
Clear Creek County Urban 2.6 66 48
Grand County Rural 2.4 89 38
Mineral County Rural 2.4 6 33
Summit County Rural 2.3 157 32
Elbert County Urban 2.2 172 30
Hinsdale County Rural 1.9 6 26
Douglas County Urban 1.9 1,910 25
Broomfield County Urban 1.9 355 24
Ouray County Rural 1.0 15 10
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Poverty: Families below poverty, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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