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Demographic Data Report for Oregon by County
Insurance: Percent uninsured in demographic group, people at or below 138% of poverty
Ages <65, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2021 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Uninsured)
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Rank within US
(of 3141 counties)
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Oregon N/A 12.3 78,281 17 of 51
Hood River County Rural 20.8 656 2,177
Morrow County Rural 18.2 438 1,821
Washington County Urban 14.6 9,095 1,362
Deschutes County Urban 14.0 3,410 1,278
Marion County Urban 13.9 8,689 1,266
Wasco County Rural 13.4 614 1,172
Clackamas County Urban 13.1 5,000 1,123
Yamhill County Urban 13.1 1,825 1,123
Clatsop County Rural 12.6 824 1,023
Multnomah County Urban 12.5 15,063 1,003
Lake County Rural 12.3 177 967
Sherman County Rural 12.3 34 967
Tillamook County Rural 12.3 512 967
Umatilla County Rural 12.2 1,754 950
Columbia County Urban 11.9 792 892
Lincoln County Rural 11.8 1,046 865
Malheur County Rural 11.7 943 840
Benton County Urban 11.6 1,960 809
Gilliam County Rural 11.6 33 809
Jefferson County Urban 11.6 561 809
Klamath County Rural 11.6 1,855 809
Grant County Rural 11.5 138 779
Lane County Urban 11.0 8,050 671
Linn County Urban 11.0 2,451 671
Jackson County Urban 10.9 4,211 648
Wallowa County Rural 10.9 122 648
Polk County Urban 10.8 1,384 632
Josephine County Urban 10.4 1,988 548
Crook County Urban 10.3 404 535
Union County Rural 10.2 504 504
Coos County Rural 9.5 1,209 366
Curry County Rural 9.3 361 312
Harney County Rural 9.3 138 312
Wheeler County Rural 9.2 28 281
Baker County Rural 8.8 270 204
Douglas County Rural 8.8 1,742 204
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates.
The race categorization for this statistic does not include individuals who responded with two more races.
For more information about Insurance: Percent uninsured in demographic group, people at or below 138% of poverty, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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