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Demographic Data Report for South Dakota by County
Mobility: Moved, different state (in past year)
Ages 1+, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Name
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Moved From Different State)
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Rank within US
(of 3142 counties)
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South Dakota N/A 3.2 28,340 36 of 51
United States N/A 2.3 7,641,427 N/A
Aurora County Rural 1.4 36 1,241
Beadle County Rural 3.9 723 2,785
Bennett County Rural 0.4 13 168
Bon Homme County Rural 2.3 157 2,051
Brookings County Rural 6.3 2,181 3,079
Brown County Rural 1.6 604 1,462
Brule County Rural 0.7 36 419
Buffalo County Rural 0.1 1 52
Butte County Rural 2.8 287 2,399
Campbell County Rural 3.8 57 2,745
Charles Mix County Rural 1.4 128 1,250
Clark County Rural 0.2 6 83
Clay County Rural 8.6 1,270 3,125
Codington County Rural 3.2 908 2,574
Corson County Rural 0.6 23 331
Custer County Urban 3.0 251 2,465
Davison County Rural 1.5 293 1,332
Day County Rural 2.4 129 2,128
Deuel County Rural 1.7 71 1,530
Dewey County Rural 0.2 12 104
Douglas County Rural 2.4 68 2,164
Edmunds County Rural 4.6 181 2,913
Fall River County Rural 2.9 202 2,432
Faulk County Rural 0.1 3 73
Grant County Rural 3.2 238 2,565
Gregory County Rural 2.7 108 2,359
Haakon County Rural 0.5 8 220
Hamlin County Rural 1.9 113 1,742
Hand County Rural 1.1 33 856
Hanson County Rural 0.4 13 164
Harding County Rural 1.6 19 1,490
Hughes County Rural 5.1 904 2,980
Hutchinson County Rural 1.2 85 928
Hyde County Rural 1.4 18 1,220
Jackson County Rural 1.2 32 941
Jerauld County Rural 2.0 36 1,834
Jones County Rural 1.4 14 1,293
Kingsbury County Rural 1.3 64 1,054
Lake County Rural 2.7 303 2,356
Lawrence County Rural 4.6 1,183 2,910
Lincoln County Urban 3.2 2,078 2,566
Lyman County Rural 1.0 35 708
Marshall County Rural 0.9 37 584
McCook County Urban 1.4 77 1,205
McPherson County Rural 0.2 5 102
Meade County Urban 7.9 2,347 3,117
Mellette County Rural 0.0 0 1
Miner County Rural 2.5 57 2,191
Minnehaha County Urban 2.7 5,261 2,328
Moody County Rural 0.5 34 283
Oglala Lakota County Rural 0.8 109 528
Pennington County Urban 4.0 4,354 2,802
Perkins County Rural 0.5 16 284
Potter County Rural 2.3 58 2,062
Roberts County Rural 2.4 242 2,142
Sanborn County Rural 0.3 6 113
Spink County Rural 1.4 86 1,198
Stanley County Rural 2.7 81 2,346
Sully County Rural 1.4 19 1,301
Todd County Rural 1.4 127 1,223
Tripp County Rural 0.7 38 402
Turner County Urban 2.0 176 1,893
Union County Urban 5.5 904 3,013
Walworth County Rural 5.1 264 2,979
Yankton County Rural 4.8 1,107 2,938
Ziebach County Rural 0.5 11 213
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Mobility: Moved, different state (in past year), see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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