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Demographic Data Report for Tennessee by County
Population: Age 40-64
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Age 40-64)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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Tennessee N/A 31.9 2,209,980 31 of 52
United States N/A 31.6 104,466,773 N/A
Lake County Rural 38.2 2,637 3,114
Moore County Rural 37.6 2,466 3,103
Wayne County Rural 36.7 5,992 3,063
Bledsoe County Rural 36.7 5,433 3,057
Williamson County Urban 36.1 89,842 3,001
Polk County Urban 35.8 6,309 2,976
Unicoi County Urban 35.8 6,388 2,974
Meigs County Rural 35.5 4,558 2,938
Cheatham County Urban 35.5 14,616 2,936
Grainger County Urban 35.3 8,349 2,910
Benton County Rural 35.2 5,601 2,881
Hawkins County Urban 35.0 20,001 2,859
Hickman County Urban 35.0 8,751 2,855
Lincoln County Rural 35.0 12,379 2,853
Jackson County Rural 35.0 4,105 2,850
Johnson County Rural 35.0 6,288 2,845
Fayette County Urban 34.9 14,740 2,830
Cocke County Rural 34.8 12,594 2,804
Decatur County Rural 34.8 3,991 2,796
Marion County Urban 34.7 10,016 2,793
Carter County Urban 34.6 19,476 2,757
Smith County Urban 34.6 6,926 2,755
Roane County Urban 34.5 18,562 2,740
Jefferson County Urban 34.5 18,958 2,717
Union County Urban 34.4 6,839 2,707
Haywood County Rural 34.4 6,130 2,703
Houston County Rural 34.3 2,831 2,652
Wilson County Urban 34.2 51,011 2,618
Robertson County Urban 34.2 25,076 2,617
Greene County Rural 34.1 24,035 2,589
Van Buren County Rural 34.1 2,110 2,588
Sevier County Rural 34.1 33,596 2,581
Sullivan County Urban 34.0 54,003 2,545
Pickett County Rural 34.0 1,713 2,524
Sequatchie County Urban 33.8 5,431 2,468
Campbell County Urban 33.8 13,313 2,456
Hardin County Rural 33.8 9,056 2,433
Scott County Rural 33.7 7,395 2,421
DeKalb County Rural 33.7 6,810 2,407
Stewart County Urban 33.7 4,621 2,393
Blount County Urban 33.7 45,749 2,379
Morgan County Urban 33.6 7,107 2,374
Clay County Rural 33.6 2,553 2,365
Sumner County Urban 33.5 65,910 2,303
Monroe County Rural 33.4 15,549 2,287
Humphreys County Rural 33.3 6,345 2,228
McMinn County Rural 33.3 17,827 2,218
Henry County Rural 33.3 10,758 2,216
Macon County Urban 33.3 8,436 2,197
Overton County Rural 33.2 7,502 2,181
Hamblen County Urban 33.2 21,443 2,179
Dyer County Rural 33.2 12,222 2,157
Obion County Rural 33.2 10,179 2,151
Cannon County Urban 33.1 4,795 2,101
Giles County Rural 33.1 10,029 2,086
Tipton County Urban 33.0 20,194 2,060
Grundy County Rural 33.0 4,474 2,049
White County Rural 32.9 9,026 1,989
Claiborne County Rural 32.9 10,555 1,970
Warren County Rural 32.8 13,514 1,937
Hardeman County Rural 32.8 8,367 1,909
Maury County Urban 32.8 33,408 1,886
Bradley County Urban 32.7 35,624 1,868
Fentress County Rural 32.7 6,100 1,867
McNairy County Rural 32.7 8,465 1,848
Rhea County Rural 32.5 10,728 1,753
Marshall County Rural 32.5 11,222 1,742
Anderson County Urban 32.4 25,094 1,737
Hancock County Rural 32.4 2,181 1,719
Bedford County Rural 32.4 16,378 1,710
Dickson County Urban 32.3 17,636 1,673
Henderson County Rural 32.3 8,999 1,670
Lauderdale County Rural 32.3 8,122 1,643
Lewis County Rural 32.3 4,077 1,641
Loudon County Urban 32.2 17,870 1,599
Gibson County Urban 32.2 16,239 1,591
Trousdale County Urban 31.8 3,690 1,421
Carroll County Rural 31.8 9,028 1,413
Cumberland County Rural 31.7 19,508 1,342
Coffee County Rural 31.6 18,366 1,306
Franklin County Rural 31.6 13,586 1,296
Washington County Urban 31.6 42,081 1,277
Hamilton County Urban 31.5 115,643 1,234
Crockett County Urban 31.4 4,379 1,188
Perry County Rural 31.3 2,640 1,158
Lawrence County Rural 31.0 13,771 1,028
Chester County Urban 31.0 5,392 1,014
Madison County Urban 30.9 30,515 980
Knox County Urban 30.7 147,884 903
Shelby County Urban 30.6 283,239 848
Rutherford County Urban 30.4 104,438 778
Weakley County Rural 29.9 9,849 637
Putnam County Rural 29.7 23,830 599
Davidson County Urban 29.0 205,723 438
Montgomery County Urban 26.4 58,793 141
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Age 40-64, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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