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Demographic Data Report for Wisconsin by County
Population: Age 40-64
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Age 40-64)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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Wisconsin N/A 32.2 1,893,629 40 of 52
United States N/A 31.6 104,466,773 N/A
Florence County Rural 40.4 1,850 3,131
Lincoln County Rural 37.6 10,693 3,104
Calumet County Urban 36.2 18,969 3,018
Iron County Rural 36.2 2,221 3,013
Price County Rural 36.1 5,081 3,003
Waushara County Rural 36.0 8,889 2,997
Oconto County Urban 36.0 14,049 2,993
Adams County Rural 35.7 7,405 2,969
Bayfield County Rural 35.7 5,786 2,964
Iowa County Urban 35.6 8,464 2,954
Marquette County Rural 35.6 5,560 2,953
Taylor County Rural 35.6 7,104 2,946
Dodge County Rural 35.4 31,557 2,929
Juneau County Rural 35.4 9,456 2,926
Waupaca County Rural 35.4 18,328 2,919
Washburn County Rural 35.3 5,897 2,917
Washington County Urban 35.3 48,332 2,911
Vilas County Rural 35.2 8,148 2,890
Oneida County Rural 35.2 13,305 2,889
Polk County Rural 35.1 15,854 2,874
Pepin County Rural 35.0 2,579 2,860
Marinette County Rural 35.0 14,646 2,857
Columbia County Urban 34.9 20,349 2,836
Forest County Rural 34.9 3,225 2,832
Waukesha County Urban 34.9 141,995 2,821
St. Croix County Urban 34.8 32,596 2,799
Shawano County Rural 34.7 14,162 2,778
Green County Urban 34.7 12,850 2,777
Rusk County Rural 34.6 4,907 2,763
Langlade County Rural 34.5 6,731 2,732
Burnett County Rural 34.5 5,709 2,723
Manitowoc County Rural 34.3 27,902 2,670
Jefferson County Rural 34.3 29,491 2,655
Douglas County Urban 34.2 15,096 2,635
Sawyer County Rural 34.0 6,144 2,546
Ozaukee County Urban 34.0 31,201 2,536
Kewaunee County Urban 33.9 6,977 2,511
Door County Rural 33.8 10,150 2,455
Kenosha County Urban 33.8 56,995 2,454
Buffalo County Rural 33.6 4,482 2,363
Sheboygan County Urban 33.3 39,170 2,200
Rock County Urban 33.1 54,174 2,082
Fond du Lac County Urban 33.1 34,398 2,076
Racine County Urban 33.1 65,147 2,072
Wood County Rural 33.1 24,504 2,070
Chippewa County Urban 33.0 21,872 2,045
Marathon County Urban 33.0 45,466 2,027
Jackson County Rural 32.9 6,892 1,966
Crawford County Rural 32.9 5,299 1,955
Green Lake County Rural 32.7 6,241 1,843
Sauk County Rural 32.6 21,400 1,799
Richland County Rural 32.6 5,621 1,793
Trempealeau County Rural 32.5 9,963 1,750
Monroe County Rural 32.3 14,916 1,651
Walworth County Rural 32.2 33,842 1,598
Lafayette County Rural 32.2 5,381 1,597
Ashland County Rural 32.1 5,156 1,568
Barron County Rural 32.0 14,929 1,499
Outagamie County Urban 31.9 60,803 1,456
Pierce County Urban 31.8 13,397 1,388
Brown County Urban 31.5 84,608 1,253
Vernon County Urban 31.3 9,650 1,163
Winnebago County Urban 31.3 53,510 1,135
Clark County Rural 30.3 10,509 751
Portage County Rural 29.9 21,039 656
Milwaukee County Urban 29.4 273,952 513
Dane County Urban 29.2 163,537 487
Grant County Rural 29.1 15,086 460
La Crosse County Urban 28.9 34,717 416
Menominee County Rural 28.4 1,217 339
Dunn County Rural 28.2 12,768 307
Eau Claire County Urban 27.7 29,330 257
Created by on 09/20/2024 8:00 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Age 40-64, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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