Quick Profiles Report
This graphic shows the Quick Profiles Report for Iowa compared with the United States and All Cancer Sites. There are various text boxes displayed around the graphic that describe different aspects of the report:
- Selection Box - Make a selection from the State dropdown list for the Quick Profile you want to view.
- View Profile (button) - click on this button to view reports for the state you selected.
- Statistics Tabs (tab) - Select the tab for the statistics you want to view. The default tab is Incidence.
- Map (icon) - Click on the Map icon to see and interactive map of the data.
- Table (icon) - Click on the Table icon to see an interactive table of the data.
- CI*Rank Graph (icon) - Click on the CI*Rank Graph icon to open an interactive graph of the data.
- Rate Graph (icon) - Click on the Rate Graph icon to open an interactive graph of the data.
- Historical Trends Graph (icon) - Click on the Historical Trends Graph icon to see an interactive graph of the data.
- 5-Year Rate Change Graph (icon) - Click on the 5-Year Rate Change Graph icon to see an interactive graph of the data.